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bina' fi 'arqaa almanatiq bimasqat 'amam hay alwizarat
almabnaa eibarat ean sbet tawabiq bil'iidafat 'iilay tabiq mawaqif sayarat
yase lihawaly 100 sayaratan
misahat al'ard 2000mitr murabbae
misahat albina' 800mitr
matlub sharik limustashfaa khass fa saltanh eamman almabnaa qayim wajahiz alshsharik ealayh alttajhizat waladarh
lilmurajaeat walaistifsar
Building in the highest areas in Muscat in front of the ministries district
The building consists of seven floors plus a parking floor
Can accommodate about 100 cars
Land area 2000 square meters
Building area 800 m
A partner is required for a special hospital in the Sultanate of Oman. The building is ready and the partner is ready for the equipment and istration
For review and inquiry